Dr. Chuck's Bag of Comedy

Hello, I'm Dr. Chuck. Far back in the mists of ancient time, I did a radio show on WXAC, my college radio station. It was called Dr. Chuck's Bag of Comedy. I've kept this written record of my show for so long that I really, really don't want to get rid of it! The show itself was highly inspired by Dr. Demento.

The Specials

In the middle of each show, I'd run a "special" that would spotlight a particular theme (such as a person or an event).

1987 - 88

Broadcast DateDescription
Sep 1987 - May 1988Hmm, too bad no specials from this year were written down... oh well.

1988 - 89

Broadcast DateDescription
Sep 22, 1988Back to School
Sep 29, 1988Science Fiction
Oct 6, 1988Woody Allen: Standup Comic (Side 4)
Oct 13, 1988"Weird Al" Yankovic Super Special
Oct 20, 1988Spike Jones
Oct 27, 1988Halloween '88
Nov 3, 1988Sexual Innuendo
Nov 10, 1988Ray Stevens
Nov 17, 1988Thanksgiving '88: Arlo Guthrie, "Alice's Restaurant"
Nov 24, 1988NO SHOW - Thanksgiving Break
Dec 1, 1988Judy Tenuta: Buy This, Pigs (Side 2)
Dec 8, 1988Christmas '88
Dec 16, 1988NO SHOW - Christmas Break
Dec 22, 1988NO SHOW - Christmas Break
Dec 29, 1988NO SHOW - Christmas Break
Jan 5, 1989Sneak Preview: Upcoming shows/specials
Jan 12, 1989Time Slide (with Stand Up Comedy EXTRA)
Jan 19, 1989NO SHOW - Off the air due to technical difficulties
Jan 26, 1989Barnes & Barnes (with "Weird Al" Peter and the Wolf EXTRA)
Feb 2, 1989Sneak Preview: Upcoming shows/specials
Feb 10, 1989Oddball Cover Versions
Feb 17, 1989Tom Lehrer
Feb 24, 1989Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Part 1)
Mar 3, 1989Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Part 2)
Mar 10, 1989Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Part 3)
Mar 17, 1989Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Part 4)
Mar 24, 1989NO SHOW - Spring Break
Mar 31, 1989NO SHOW - Spring Break
Apr 7, 1989Stupid
Apr 14, 1989Money
Apr 21, 1989Bill Cosby
Apr 28, 1989"Weird Al" Yankovic Super Special, Volume 2
May 5, 19891988-89 Year-End Retrospective
  • Jan 12, 1989 - Time Slide Special: Played one song from the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.

  • Apr 7, 1989 - Stupid Special: Played "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Haa!" eleven (11) times and called it different song titles by different artists (i.e. Melissa Etheridge, Pink Floyd, The Doors, and Led Zeppelin).

  • Apr 21, 1989 - Bill Cosby: Back in the 1980s, nobody thought twice about listening to and laughing along with Bill Cosby. However, in the 21st century, we learned about his past. He's faced consequences, and now his comedic legacy is tarnished. Sexual assault is no laughing matter. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is a nonprofit anti-sexual assault organization, and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline. Please consider making a donation via their website, www.rainn.org.

1989 - 90

Broadcast DateDescription
Sep 18, 1989Back to School
Sep 25, 1989Science Fiction
Oct 2, 1989"Weird Al" Yankovic Super Special (60 minutes)
Oct 9, 1989Monty Python (dedicated to Graham Chapman)
Oct 16, 1989NO SHOW - Fall Break
Oct 23, 1989Oddball Cover Versions
Oct 30, 1989Halloween '89
Nov 4, 1989Guest Appearance: Athena & Zelda: Music from A to Z (Athena's birthday)
Nov 6, 1989Kip Addotta
Nov 13, 1989Transportation
Nov 20, 1989Thanksgiving '89: Arlo Guthrie, "Alice's Restaurant"
Nov 27, 1989Ray Stevens
Dec 4, 1989Animals
Dec 9, 1989Guest Appearance: Athena & Zelda: Music from A to Z (Christmas show)
Dec 9, 1989Guest Appearance: It's My Music, Christmas '89 a.k.a. Gee, Wally, Christmas Came Early This Year
Dec 11, 1989Christmas '89 Part 2 (broadcast one hour early due to basketball game)
Dec 18, 1989NO SHOW - Finals Week
Dec 25, 1989NO SHOW - Christmas Break
Jan 1, 1990NO SHOW - Christmas Break
Jan 8, 1990NO SHOW - Off the air due to station move
  • Dec 9, 1989 - A basketball game was scheduled to be broadcast on December 11th, so I made a guest appearance on Saturday night, December 9th, and presented my Christmas special then.

  • Dec 11, 1989 - At the last minute, the person who was doing the hour before the basketball game couldn't make it, so I was able to fill in and have a Christmas Part 2 special. That was my final show, but I didn't know it at the time.

  • Dec 18, 1989 to May 14, 1990 - No specials were broadcast from December 18 to May 14 (22 weeks off the air). New studios were moved to the basement of the administration building and broadcasting was scheduled to resume in June.


Back when WXAC was celebrating its 40th anniversary, I was contacted by someone at the alumni newspaper and asked to talk about my experiences. The article, titled "It's Better than Static," was published in the summer of 2005.

After the Bag of Comedy

If you're looking for my other contributions to radio, have a look at The Spirit of Rockline along with Unofficial Guest History: Rockline & Modern Rock Live.

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